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Happy National Granola Bar Day! If you are a fan of these quick, nourishing snacks – then this is certainly the holiday for you! Sure we can purchase granola bars nearly everywhere these days, but many times we end up paying much more than we need to for something that is highly processed and likely packed with sugar. When you make your own granola bars, however, you get to choose the ingredients. Plus, it’s less expensive to make your own and a lot more fun. You can make the granola bars as healthy or as decadent as you want.
A good granola bar starts, of course, with the granola which is usually made with a combination of grains, dried fruit, nuts, seeds or coconut, some type of sweetener, and some type of fat. Then you can get creative with flavors, spices and special ingredients. This Apple Walnut Spice Granola sounds amazing as does this Strawberry Coconut Granola. This Peanut Butter-Maple-Pecan and Coconut “Bacon” Granola sounds sweet, savory and incredible while chocolate lovers will drool over this yummy Chocolate Granola.
Check out Granola Bar Bonanza! Tips, Tricks and Creative Add-In for lots of fun and delicious ideas. Then make these 10 granola bars that are healthy, delicious and squirrel-approved!
1. Chewy Good-For-You Granola Bars
Not only are these gooey, Chewy Good-For-You Granola Bars packed with fruits, nuts, and seeds galore, they don’t contain any added sweeteners. They get all the sweetness they need from the apple and date puree. These are perfect for keeping you satisfied throughout the day.
2. No Bake Breakfast Granola Bars
These No Bake Breakfast Granola Bars have only five ingredients, and two of them are chocolate and peanut butter! They may be called breakfast bars, but you can enjoy these granola bars for breakfast, lunch, dinner … or anytime of the day!
3. Banana Granola Bars
These Banana Granola Bars are perfect for maintaining a well-balanced diet. With bananas, flax seed, oats, and coconut, these bars are a healthy breakfast or snack. Plus they’re delicious, so even the pickiest eaters will gobble them down.
4. Superfood Granola Bars
Vegan, raw, tasty, and delicious, these Superfood Granola Bars are top notch for satisfying your hunger. They are packed with superfoods like goji berries, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and hemp butter plus pumpkin seeds, oats, and chocolate chips. Healthy never tasted so good.
5. Nutrient-Dense Vegola Granola Bars
Bananas, apples, oats, puffed amaranth, almonds, prunes, and dates are just some of the ingredients in these Nutrient-Dense Vegola Granola Bars. This is one wholesome bar you can feel good about giving the kids for an after-school snack.
6. Nut-Free Chocolate and Banana Bars
These Nut-Free Chocolate and Banana Bars taste like a cross between a granola bar and banana bread. These are healthy bars with quinoa, oats, chia seeds, and tahini. The chocolatey cacao combined with the sweetness of the bananas and dates makes this healthy bar feel like you’re eating a decadent treat.
7. Almond Joy Oat Bran Granola Bars
Who says all granola bars have to look the same? These Almond Joy Oat Bran Granola Bars are a fun twist on the usual bars. Oats are replaced with oat bran, and coconut and almonds are a welcome addition to these granola bars. With peanut butter and melted chocolate drizzled all over, these bars are like eating a healthy candy bar.
8. No-Bake Peanut Butter Granola Squares
Peanut butter, chocolate, oats, maple syrup…need we say more? Most people love granola bars, but most of the ones you find in the store have some questionable ingredients. These No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Squares are creamy and chewy, with a little crunch for texture and, of course, are drizzled with chocolate. The best part — they are good for you!
9. Cherry Nut Bars
These Cherry Nut Bars use cherry juice and agave nectar to create a thick, almost caramel-like sugary binder. It also brings the stickiness and the jelly-ness to the granola bar. To make this even better, this recipe only calls for eight ingredients, and it’s gluten-free!
10. World’s Best No-Bake Peanut Butter Energy Bars
Are you an energy bar person? Do you spend heaps on store-bought bars? Well, time to change that now and make these World’s Best No-Bake Peanut Butter Energy Bars. Packed with peanut butter, oats, and almonds, these bars will keep you going for hours.
You’ll go nuts for these delicious granola bars.
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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