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There may be some disagreement about how to pronounce “gnocchi” (nyok-ee, noh-kee or naw-kee) and as to whether it’s pasta or not but everyone can agree that gnocchi are delicious. Gnocchi are little dumplings that can be made from dough, potatoes, or other veggies. Though most people consider gnocchi a pasta dish, in Italy they are seen as an alternative to pasta. Originally,
Though most people consider gnocchi a pasta dish, in Italy they are seen as an alternative to pasta. Originally, gnocchi were made with a semolina dough, but after potatoes were introduced in the 16th-century, they were incorporated into the recipe. Gnocchi can also be made with sweet potato, pumpkin, and other starchy vegetables. In some regions of Italy, gnocchi are made with ricotta and spinach and are known as malfatti (meaning “poorly made”) or gnudi which are “naked” gnocchi. You can buy gnocchi, fresh, refrigerated or frozen, but read those labels since they may contain eggs and/or dairy. Though they look complicated, it’s actually pretty easy to make your own gnocchi.
Gnocchi can be boiled for soft, pillows of deliciousness or they can be baked or fried for a crispy version. They are often served with melted butter, pesto or other sauces. So now that you know all about gnocchi, including how to pronounce it, it’s time to try your hand at making these incredible gnocchi recipes from our Food Monster App.
1. Pesto Gnocchi with Olives and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Source: Pesto Gnocchi with Olives and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Maria and Alyssa Tosoni‘s Pesto Gnocchi with Olives and Sun-Dried Tomatoes is like heaven on earth in a bowl. The gnocchi are like fluffy little pillows of yumminess and then they’re topped with a basil and spinach pesto that is so good. Served with black olives and sun-dried tomatoes, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to the Mediterranean.
2. Pumpkin Gnocchi in Spiced Butter Sauce with Lemon Cashew Sauce
Source: Pumpkin Gnocchi in Spiced Butter Sauce with Lemon Cashew Cream
This Pumpkin Gnocchi in Spiced Butter Sauce with Lemon Cashew Cream by Rhea Parsons is a symphony of flavors and textures. Luscious homemade pumpkin gnocchi are lightly pan-fried in richly spiced butter sauce. Then they are served with a rich lemon cashew cream sauce. This is decadence and deliciousness all at once.
3. Vegan Gnocchi with Thyme Vinaigrette and Cashew Cream
Source: Vegan Gnocchi with Thyme Vinaigrette and Cashew Cream
The humble potato becomes an elegant dish with these Vegan Gnocchi with Thyme Vinaigrette and Cashew Cream by The Natural Epicurean. Soft, pillowy gnocchi are tossed in a flavorful vinaigrette made with fresh thyme leaves. Drizzled with lemon cashew cream, this rich gnocchi is a perfect main course or side dish for any casual dinner or special occasion.
4. Potato Gnocchi
Source: Potato Gnocchi
Three ingredients is all it takes to make Josephine Watmore‘s simple but delicious Potato Gnocchi recipe. Easy to make but oh, so satisfying and filling. Serve these with your favorite pasta sauces like marinara, pesto or even a vegan alfredo. The sky is the limit with these pillow-soft and totally comforting dumplings of joy.
5. Beet Gnocchi with Arugula Pesto
Source: Beet Gnocchi with Arugula Pesto
Think pink with Sonja Trurnit‘s pretty Beet Gnocchi with Arugula Pesto. The addition of pureed beets not only gives the gnocchi a lovely color but also an earthy sweetness that makes the potatoes anything but bland. Top with a generous drizzle of arugula pesto and you’ve got yourself a beautiful, delicious, and impressive dinner!
6. Pumpkin Arugula and Vegan Goat Cheese Gnocchi
Source: Pumpkin Arugula and Vegan Goat Cheese Gnocchi
Rebecca Weller‘s Pumpkin Arugula and Vegan Goat Cheese Gnocchi are so delicious and comforting, not to mention ready faster than you would think. Tossed in a rich pumpkin sauce with arugula and topped with homemade vegan goat cheese, this gnocchi will be a sure-fire hit with everyone.
7. Spinach Tofu Gnudi Balls
Source: Spinach Tofu Gnudi Balls
Sometimes, gnudi are called ricotta gnocchi because they are dumplings, but there is no pasta dough involved. These Spinach Tofu Gnudi Balls by Rhea Parsons are made with tofu ricotta, spinach, and vegan grated parmesan. Vegan and gluten-free, these gnudi are a delicious and trendy spin on a classic Italian dish.
8. Crispy and Soft Veggie Gnocchi with Spinach and Garlic Sauce
Source: Crispy and Soft Veggie Gnocchi with Spinach and Garlic Sauce
Made of sweet potatoes and spinach, these Crispy and Soft Veggie Gnocchi with Spinach and Garlic Sauce by Sophia DeSantis packs a healthy flavor punch! Crisp, yet soft, you get the best of both worlds. Served with a fresh tomato sauce, you could probably make this every night of the week and never get any complaints.
9. Wild Garlic Gnocchi in Almond Cream Sauce
Source: Wild Garlic Gnocchi in Almond Cream Sauce
After you read the name of Attila Hildmann‘s Wild Garlic Gnocchi in Almond Cream Sauce, you probably don’t need us to say anymore because your mouth is already watering. But we will tell you that the combination of sugar snap peas and wild garlic is incredible, and the rich almond cream sauce will have you licking your plate clean. Now we’re done. Go make this.
10. Crispy Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Asparagus, and Brussels Sprouts
Source: Crispy Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Asparagus, and Brussels Sprouts
When you need a quick, one-pot dish for dinner, this Crispy Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Asparagus, and Brussels Sprouts by Rhea Parsons is the way to go. It’s fast and easy to make, packed with healthy veggies, and of course, the crispy pan-fried gnocchi. This dish is delicious, satisfying, and perfect for a wintery day!
11. Vegan Gnocchi alla Genovese
Source: Vegan Gnocchi alla Genovese
The original alla Genovese dish uses pasta, potatoes, pesto, and vegetables. Clémence Moulaert‘s Vegan Gnocchi alla Genovese skips the pasta for a lighter dish of gnocchi, green beans, and peas tossed in pesto cream sauce. This is a perfect weeknight dinner when nothing but a bowlful of carbs and a creamy sauce will do.
12. Sweet Potato Gnocchi
Source: Sweet Potato Gnocchi
Even if you’ve never made gnocchi before, you will find it easy to make Annie Oliverio‘s yummy Sweet Potato Gnocchi. The gnocchi are delicious with either a tomato-based sauce or a light and buttery sage drizzle. You can also freeze them so you can enjoy these for dinner even when there’s no time to cook.
13. Gnocchi Dumplings By Any Other Name
Source: Gnocchi Dumplings
Robin Robertson‘s Gnocchi Dumplings are super-simple to make and so delicious. Here they are covered with a rich tomato sauce and tossed with a sauté of vegan Italian sausage and spinach. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top and you are ready for gnocchi heaven.
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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