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Are you the type of person that drizzles hot sauce on everything no matter what time of year it is? It’s not just you — spicy food is incredibly popular. It’s so popular that people have been cooking with hot spices for over 6,000 years. One of the best parts about eating spicy food is that you feel warm from within after — perfect for taking on the cold weather. But, it’s not just about the heat. Good spicy food is built upon layers of spices and peppers that are warm and flavorful. This Spicy Plum and Apple Chutney is sweet, sour, and spicy at the same time while these Spicy Coconut Milk Cauliflower Steaks are smoky, peppery, and warm. It’s all about adding the amount of heat that you can handle.
If you’re ready for recipes, we’ve got you covered because these 15 hot and spicy recipes are exactly what you’re looking for.
1. Masala Mushroom Bhuna: Indian Spicy Sautéed Mushrooms
This Masala Mushroom Bhuna takes just 15 minutes to make, but it tastes like it has been slow-cooked for hours. It’s made using a slow-cooking technique called kasha or bhuna, which is cooking without water. This dish applies the same method without the wait time and the result is tender, spicy mushrooms that are ready to be served with rice or flatbread.
2. Chipotle Cauliflower Penne
Chipotle peppers, roasted cauliflower, garlic, lemon, and capers… this Chipotle Cauliflower Penne is so flavorful, you won’t even miss the cheese! Simple and easy to throw together, this pasta dish is a great midweek dinner that is easily packed for lunch the next day. Quick, wholesome, and flavorful – sounds like a winner to us!
3. Tofu Coins in Spicy Peanut Sauce
These Tofu Coins in Spicy Peanut Sauce add variety to your dinner menu and is a perfect comfort food, too. Tofu is crumbled and then shaped into patties with chickpea flour and spicy Sriracha before being baked until golden and crispy. It’s served in a creamy peanut sauce infused with chili peppers to give it a spicy kick. Serve this hearty, flavorful family meal with a side of rice.
4. Creamy Roasted Poblano Soup
When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than a soup that’s both rich and spicy. In this Creamy Roasted Poblano Soup, slices of avocado provide the perfect, cool and creamy contrast to the spicy roasted peppers. Served with a side of bread, this spicy soup will be your new favorite winter meal.
5. Spicy Eggplant Caponata
Every Sicilian grandmother has a recipe for caponata – some calling for as much as a cup of olive oil. While this Spicy Eggplant Caponata certainly doesn’t skimp on the oil, it relies more on spicy red pepper, fresh herbs, and raw garlic to provide bold flavor. Rather than a traditional chunky, relish-y caponata, this one is more like a spread, due to the roasted eggplant. It’s delicious on crusty bread or with rice.
6. Easy Cajun Jambalaya
7. Buffalo Mac and Cheese Crumble
Soy curls are one of the most versatile products out there. You can make so many different things with them, like, the spicy and crumbly topping in this rich, creamy, gooey Buffalo Mac and Cheese. By using the soy curl crumbs as a topping, you get a gluten-free, high-protein, lower-carb topping! Not only is the topping spicy, the creamy cheese sauce is made with hot sauce for extra heat.
8. Spicy Cauliflower and Butternut Squash Gratin
9. Chickpea Vindaloo
10. Spicy Sweet Potato Rosti: Swiss Potato Fritter
Rosti, also called roschti are originally a Swiss breakfast dish made from mildly seasoned grated potatoes that are pan-fried as a large pancake or fritter. This Spicy Sweet Potato Rosti is inspired by the original but they’re made with sweet potatoes and seasoned with ginger, curry leaves with added onions and bell peppers. Packed with flavor, these make amazing breakfast or brunch items, as well as appetizers. They absolutely have to be tried with vegan sour cream.
11. Spicy Lentil Quinoa Burgers With Avocado Dressing
12. Red Thai Curry Soup With Carrots and Sweet Potato
What’s better than a hot bowl of soup? Especially this Red Thai Curry Soup With Sweet Potato. Made with Thai curry paste, this spicy soup is made from puréed root vegetables and a swirl of creamy coconut milk. Fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime juice add contrasting flavors that help balance out the heat.
13. Buffalo Tempeh Chili
Love buffalo sauce? If so, you will adore this Buffalo Tempeh Chili! Chunks of tempeh, green bell pepper, onion, and carrot are submerged in a hearty tomato-buffalo stew. Serve this zesty dish with some tortilla chips for scooping!
14. Chorizo-Spiced Potato Enchiladas
These Chorizo-Spiced Potato Enchiladas are really tasty! Potatoes are tossed in a blend of hot spices and wrapped up in a warm tortilla with black beans and fresh herbs. They’re then topped with a spicy sauce and a creamy vegan cheese sauce. The red sauce is simple and easy, the potatoes are mix-and-bake and the beans and greens are minimally processed as the flavor is all provided by the chorizo spices. Simple to make, although not completely fuss-free, this is well worth the minimal effort.
15. Vegetable Udon Stir-Fry With Spicy Sauce
Not only is this Vegetable Udon Stir-Fry With Spicy Sauce done in under 30 minutes, it’s also a perfect weekday dinner. Broccoli and carrots give it some crunch while black-eyed peas and tofu add a boost of protein. Got people in your family who aren’t keen on heat? The spicy sauce is easily adjusted to taste!
Find more recipes that bring the heat on our hot and spicy vegan recipes page.
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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