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Potatoes come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny purple spuds to large brown baking potatoes, as well as yellow or even blue varieties. Each type of potato has its unique texture and flavor profile, making it crucial to choose the right one for your recipe. Here are some commonly used potatoes and how to use them effectively:
Caribe Purples
Caribe Purples are large, starchy potatoes with striking purple skin and white flesh. They are perfect for mashing since they do not retain their shape when cooked, resulting in a creamy texture. Boil them are use them for this Spicy Cauliflower Potato Burger.
Idaho potatoes have a high starch content and low moisture, making them ideal for absorbing liquids and falling apart when boiled. This quality makes them excellent for creamy mashed potatoes. Try these Mashed Potatoes and Celery Root.
Fingerling potatoes are small, elongated varieties that are low in starch and hold their shape well when cooked. Their unique shape and flavor make them perfect for roasting or baking, so try baking them in these Baked-to-Perfection Fingerling Potato Rounds recipes.
Red potatoes are known for their beautiful red skin and waxy texture, making them ideal for potato salads. They hold their shape nicely, ensuring a visually appealing presentation in this Moroccan Potato salad with Corn and Kale. They’re also good for roasting; they these Roasted Red Potatoes with Turmeric and Thyme.
Like Idaho, Russet potatoes have a higher starch content and lower moisture, so they absorb more moisture and fall apart when you boil them. They’re ideal for mashed potatoes. Use them for this Chocolate Potato Cake, which calls for mashed potatoes. Also, they will hold up well when baked, so grab a few and check out this article on How to Make the Perfect Baked Potato.
New potatoes are freshly harvested and small, featuring paper-thin skins and a high moisture content. Their sweetness and tender texture make them excellent for boiling and incorporating into potato salads. Use them in this Vegan Potato Salad with Cilantro, Dill, Tomatoes, and Raw Mayo.
Sweet potatoes have a gorgeous orange color and are good choices for making mashed potatoes and forming into veggie burgers and veggie patties. They can easily be mashed and used for a creamy consistency, making them good for hummus, smoothies, and casseroles. Try this Sweet Potato Tofu Pizza, a Savory Sweet Potato Quiche and for dessert, make these S’Mores Sweet Potato Brownies or Indian Sweet Potato and Tapioca Cakes.
Yukon Gold
Yukon Gold potatoes have a higher moisture content. These potatoes will hold their shape nicely to be tossed around in a salad, yet they provide a creamy, pleasing texture. Use them for these Lentils with White Bean and Potato Mash and this Potato and Mushroom Gratin.
Potato Recipes
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! You can also buy a hard or soft copy of our favorite vegan cookbooks or browse through vegan recipes on One Green Planet. And, while you are at it, we encourage you to learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.