With their distinctive accordion-like layers, roasted to a golden crisp, Hasselback Potatoes have earned a special place at our dinner table. With just a few effortless techniques, you can craft these unassuming yet impressive additions to elevate your side dishes effortlessly.

What are Hasselback Potatoes?
The iconic Hasselback potato method, characterized by its distinctive appearance, has its roots in Stockholm, Sweden, dating back to the 1950s at the eponymous Hasselbacken Restaurant. Although they may appear intricate, these dishes are surprisingly straightforward to make when employing a single, intuitive technique.
Arrange two parallel chopsticks flanking each side of the potato. This technique enables you to make precise incisions in the potato, leaving the base intact. By doing so, the slices remain linked at their base, allowing the potato to expand and cook evenly during baking.

As a result, the outside layers develop a satisfying crunch, juxtaposed with the luscious tenderness within. There’s no need to think about it – this is indeed the perfect state for a spud to attain. Potatoes forever!
I swiftly prepared these in under three minutes, courtesy of a clever chopstick trick I discovered on Chris’ popular blog, Nibble Me This.

Hasselback Potato Recipe
Potatoes boast an astonishing array of seasoning options, waiting to be unleashed by culinary creativity. While simplicity often reigns supreme in my culinary quest, there’s something truly sublime about a perfectly roasted potato seasoned solely with salt and pepper that consistently delivers an exceptional outcome.
For a successful preparation of this dish, gather the following essential components:
- Russet potatoes
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
When reheating these potatoes, they retain their original texture and flavour. As a convenient breakfast option, I frequently prepare them in the morning while I’m already in the kitchen, and simply store them in the refrigerator until evening. While preparing the remainder of our evening meal, I place the items in a preheated oven at a moderate temperature for approximately ten minutes.

Hasselback Potatoes
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Wash and dry the potatoes. Slice the potatoes into wafer-thin sheets, leaving a small margin at each interval to preserve their structural integrity.
Arrange the sliced potatoes in a single layer on a sheet pan for even roasting. Gently drizzle high-quality olive oil between the potato slices and liberally coat the exterior, ensuring even coverage. Sprinkle generously with kosher salt.
Roast for a total of forty minutes, thereafter carefully removing it from the oven to ensure optimal results. Allow to cool for a brief period before consuming.
When I crave a flavorful twist on a classic dish, I frequently top a perfectly roasted Hasselback potato with a rich and savory ranch dressing or a sweet and smoky barbecue sauce – the result is nothing short of exceptional, regardless of your preferred accompaniments.

Savor a truly exceptional culinary experience by serving your Hasselback potatoes alongside the rich flavors of Garlic Butter Steak Bites, the crispy goodness of Pan-Fried Chicken, or the tangy sophistication of Balsamic Dijon Pork Chops.
Combine this delectable Brussels Sprouts Salad for a universally enjoyed dinner, or pair it with the sweetness of Maple Glazed Carrots as a delightful accompaniment to any meal.