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If you’ve never cooked with celeriac, or celery root, you’re not alone. Many people see them in the market, looking all big, brown, and hairy, and keep on walking. On the outside, it’s not the most attractive veggie and many people just aren’t sure what to do with it. Celeriac certainly doesn’t get the same attention and love as all the pretty, colorful veggies and that’s a shame because it’s really delicious.
Under that brown, hairy exterior is a starchy veggie that’s very similar to potatoes. In fact, it tastes like someone crossed a potato with a celery stalk and added a bit of parsley to it.
Celery root is also really versatile — you can mash it, fry it, bake it, roast it, make soup out of it, and even add it raw to salads. So take a try to the farmer’s market, pick up some celeriac, and then try these 10 delicious recipes from our Food Monster App that will make you see it in a whole new light.
1. Whole Roasted Celeriac with Herbs, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt
Source: Whole Roasted Celeriac with Herbs, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt
It doesn’t get any simpler than Ida Hemmingsson-Holl‘s Whole Roasted Celeriac with Herbs, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt. Just three ingredients and a pinch of salt and you’ll be sitting down to this roast that is a worthy centerpiece for any dinner table. It’s perfectly partnered with rich risotto, creamy mushrooms, sautéed greens, or a cashew sauce to drizzle on top.
2. Crispy Oil-Free Celeriac Fries
Source: Crispy Oil-Free Celeriac Fries
Celeriac, also known as celery root, isn’t the first thing you’d think of when it comes to vegetables that make awesome fries, but Natalie Tamara‘s recipe for Crispy Oil-Free Celeriac Fries is here to prove that it can be done. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, their neutral flavor makes them perfect for the job. Serve these alongside your favorite burger and plenty of sauce for dipping.
3. Creamy Cauliflower and Celeriac Soup With Roasted Shiitake Mushrooms
Source: Creamy Cauliflower and Celeriac Soup With Roasted Shiitake Mushrooms
Aysengul Sanford‘s Creamy Cauliflower and Celeriac Soup With Roasted Shiitake Mushrooms brings together two veggies — one that is a favorite and one that might be new to you. The subtle flavors and creamy texture of the soup really lets the roasted garlic shine through. The roasted shiitake mushrooms add a finishing touch that simply cannot be missed. Garnish with a few turns from your salt and pepper grinders just before serving.
4. Herbed Celeriac Puree With Sautéed Chanterelle Mushrooms
Source: Herbed Celeriac Puree With Sauteed Chanterelle Mushrooms
Celeriac, also known as celery root, is the perfect substitute for mashed potatoes in Emma D’Alessandro‘s dish of Herbed Celeriac Puree With Sauteed Chanterelle Mushrooms. Its puréed texture is creamy, yet less starchy than regular potatoes and its basic flavor makes it perfect for seasoning and pairing with more flavorful vegetables. The mushrooms that top the purée in this dish add a burst of flavor and meaty texture that is simply incredible.
5. Raw Mushroom Kale Rice
Source: Raw Mushroom Kale Rice
If you’re trying to cut back on carbs, Amy Lyon‘s Raw Mushroom Kale Rice dish is perfect. Celeriac and kale form the base of this faux rice while garlic and thyme add flavor. Walnut butter and nutritional yeast give it a rich, cheesy flavor that will make you feel like you’re indulging. Just go with that feeling.
6. Leek and Celeriac Soup
Source: Leek and Celeriac Soup
Adding celeriac to dishes that are steamed or boiled brings out the flavor of celery with a nutty twist. Celeriac also has the texture of a potato, which makes it a perfect addition to Lindsey Auerbach‘s Leek and Celeriac Soup with sweet, onion-y leeks. Together, these two vegetables made a light spring soup with a delicate flavor that’s perfect for warmer days.
7. Cheesy Leek and Celeriac-Potato Gratin
Source: Cheesy Leek and Potato Gratin
Celeriac tastes like potatoes with a hint of celery so why not put them together as in Clémence Moulaert‘s Cheesy Leek and Potato Gratin? They go perfectly with the leeks and fresh herbs. A rich cheese sauce makes this dish feel indulgent but the truth is, you’re only eating half the carbs. Have seconds!
8. Potato, Leek, and Celeriac Soup
Source: Potato, Leek, and Celeriac Soup
Celeriac is one of those magical root vegetables that works perfectly in soup, like this Potato, Leek, and Celeriac Soup by Molly Ashworth. Like white potatoes, celeriac doesn’t have a strong taste of its own, but it adds subtle flavor and creaminess. Fresh spinach gives this soup a green taste and the hemp oil adds something really special. Top with fresh macadamia cream for a soup that’s rich in texture, yet light in flavor.
9. Mashed Potatoes and Celery Root
Source: Mashed Potatoes and Celery Root
You’ve probably tried blending cauliflower with potatoes for a lighter dish. Now it’s time to try Cathy Elton‘s Mashed Potatoes and Celery Root. Just like with cauliflower, the celery root blends up smooth and creamy with a bit of non-dairy milk and olive oil. You get a dish with fewer carbs and a subtle celery undertone. Add garlic and vegan cheese for even more flavor.
10. Root Veggie au Gratin
Source: Root Veggie au Gratin
Change up your usual menu rotation by trying a bunch of new veggies. Molly Patrick‘s Root Veggie au Gratin combines celeriac, rutabagas, parsnips, and turnips for a healthy and delicious casserole. The cashew-based sauce makes it taste rich and creamy. We bet this dish ends up being in your weekly rotation.
Just like we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, we shouldn’t pass by a vegetable just because the outside doesn’t look very appetizing. If we did, we would miss out on a yummy veggie like celeriac. For more delicious recipes, download our Food Monster App where we have over 15,000 vegan and allergy-friendly recipes!
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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