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The US Open is stepping up its sustainability efforts by joining New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ initiative to reduce food-related emissions by 25% by 2030. As part of this commitment, the tournament will increase its vegan food options, aligning with the goals of the Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge.
The challenge, launched by Mayor Adams, encourages organizations to reduce the climate impact of their food systems by offering more plant-based meals. The US Open, which has been running a sustainability program for 17 years, is the first sports event to sign onto this pledge. The United States Tennis Association (USTA), responsible for the US Open, sees this as a critical step toward reducing the environmental footprint of the event.
Brian Hainline, USTA president, emphasized that this move is not only beneficial for the planet but also promotes healthier communities. The tournament plans to use the 2024 event as a baseline to explore further improvements in its food offerings, potentially increasing the proportion of plant-based options available to attendees.
In addition to expanding vegan options, the US Open continues its broader sustainability efforts, which have already achieved significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and waste. The tournament’s ongoing initiatives include sourcing local produce, composting food waste, and reducing single-use plastics.
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