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Cleanse, detox – you’ve heard it all, right? Green juice this, and blend or pulverize that. We know it gets old after awhile. You can only hear about so many cleanse and detox diets before getting a little bored. Truthfully, whole foods have the ability to cleanse your body the same way many detox diets do, but without all the negative side effects many of them can bring. You know – headaches, hunger pains, and irritability. Your body doesn’t have to take in food 24/7, but it does need some wholesome foods to work properly. That being said, if you’re still feeling sluggish and need a healthy reboot, you’ll want to to focus on foods that contain no added sugars, no oils, no dairy, are free from added sodium, and that are 100 percent whole-food based as much as possible.
Try these incredible whole foods that will cleanse your body the way nature intended:
1. Root Vegetables
Sweet potatoes, carrots, beets (especially beets!), onions, and turnips are all excellent digestion boosters, and are exremely detoxifying and nourishing. Carrots and sweet potatoes are full of Vitamin C, a natural body cleanser, beets build the blood and cleanse the liver and digestive tract, and onions (and even garlic) provide highly cleansing and immune-building benefits. Turnips even contain a large amount of Vitamin C and can help pull excess mucous from the body. Root vegetables are also easier to digest compared to many grains, beans, and legumes that you might be avoiding if you’re feeling sluggish. Root vegetables can easily be roasted or steamed and make excellent pairings to any meal. Have them at night (or even at lunch) to ensure regular digestion around the clock. Try our favorite Easy Roasted Root Veggies and learn How to Pan Roast Vegetables for quick meals in minutes.
2. Leeks
Don’t turn your nose at leeks if you haven’t had them just yet. We’ll admit they’re not the most attractive veggies, or the easiest to figure out what to do with. But they’re fantastic for you and actually very simple to use in your meals as well. Leeks are in the same family as onions, so they come with big cleansing and nourishing benefits. Leeks banish water weight, they flush out the system, and also provide key vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes the body needs to stay well-nourished. Similar in taste to onions and scallions, leeks can easily be broken apart, cut, sliced, or stripped to use in soups, stews, or vegetable broths of any kind. We enjoy them in Sweet Potato, Carrot and Leek Soup and they are easy to add to homemade vegan veggie stock.
3. Cranberries
While not as popular as blueberries, when in season, whole or frozen cranberries are excellent body detoxifiers. They cleanse the blood, and liver, prevent bacterial infections in the stomach, and cleanse the kidneys. All major organs should be cared for as much as possible, so when one food can help you do that, why not take advantage of it? Though not very sweet, cranberries add a sweet-like, tart, and refreshing flavor wherever you find a use for them. Try adding them either in fresh or frozen form to oatmeal, smoothies, or even soups and stews if you’re feeling creative. They also make great snacks, and for times when you can’t find them fresh, buy dried unsweetened cranberries to add to morning porridge, homemade trail mix, or to bake and cook with.
4. Asparagus
A forgotten veggie after summer, asparagus is a triumphant veggie for cleansing and healing the body. It’s a powerful source of B vitamin folate and a powerhouse of protein for such a small, dainty veggie. Asparagus is an excellent veggie to eat if you’re bloated and suffering irregularity. It flushes water wastes from the body, contains a good amount of potassium to prevent dehydration, and is filled with easy to digest fiber to keep you going strong! Asparagus also has a nice sweet flavor, which makes it a delicious vegetable to enjoy for health benefits. Try grilling it, steaming it, roasting it, or just toss some frozen asparagus pieces into your next batch of soup. Try Vegan Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto, Raw Asparagus Soup (if you really want to take things up a notch), or Skillet Asparagus and Tomato Medley.
5. Dandelion Greens
Hear us out, we’re not talking about the weeds you see in your backyard, but fresh dandelion greens from your produce market. Use these instead of kale, collards, or spinach in any of your dishes or a smoothie. If you blend them in a smoothie, add some berries and pineapple for more cleansing benefits and a tasty flavor. Dandelion greens have a pleasantly smooth, almost sweet earthy flavor that makes them delicious to enjoy during a time you’re healing your body. Dandelion greens cleanse the liver and build the blood, lower inflammation, and contain a nice dose of magnesium. They also flush out the digestive system gently, are a powerhouse of Vitamin C, help prevent high blood pressure and even lower blood sugar. Try them in a cleansing salad, or even a salad dressing. See more liver-cleansing foods to pair with dandelion greens for even more benefits.
Nine Ways to Use Dandelions Next Spring
If you’re looking for more cleansing tips and recipes, see all of our smoothie recipes and our raw vegan meals and snack ideas for whole food, cleansing nutrition. Also, see our top 15 Cleansing Vegan Recipes to Detox Your System.
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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