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Winter is known for being ‘sniffles’ season, but it turns out that it has nothing to do with colds for many people. If you’re dealing with a stuffy nose from November to spring, you are in fact very likely suffering from winter allergies. Although pollen, the culprit for most respiratory allergies, is absent during winter months (assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere), other allergens can cause issues. Most common allergies are due to indoor things, where we spend a lot more time once snow arrives. Dust mites, animal dander, mold, and even cockroach droppings (ew!) are all potential enemies to your immune system this time of year.
Besides keeping a clean house and investing in an air filter, paying attention to your diet can also help you lessen the impact of allergens. Of course, if you’re dealing with a serious case of allergies, consulting your doctor and managing your situation with medication is the way to go. Still, for milder cases, the food we eat can overall make us feel better.
We recommend the Everlasting Comfort’s Cool Mist Humidifiers for Allergies, Dry Skin, Congestion!
Now, let’s check out these 7 fruits and veggies and start cooking these recipes from the Food Monster App!
1. Red Bell Pepper
Full of vitamin C (it contains twice the amount found in oranges!), red bell peppers not only strengthen our immune system during winter months but also help lower histamine levels in our bodies. As you know, histamine is a major contributor in allergic reactions. Eating vitamin C-rich foods such as bell peppers might reduce your histamine levels by up to 40 percent, research shows. Isn’t that amazing?
Do you think eating red peppers is worth a try to help with your allergies? We suggest making these delicious Marinated Red Pepper Preserves, pictured above. You can also get your fill of vitamin C with this Roasted Red Pepper, Chickpea, and Spinach Curry, this Red Pepper Risotto, and this Raw Tomato Red Pepper Soup!
2. Brussels Sprouts
These little cabbages might not be everyone’s cup of tea but they are full of phytosterols which, in the case of preventing allergies, is a great thing! These naturally occurring substances in plant cell walls have immune-modulating properties that play an important role in dampening the effect of cytokines, and overactive antibodies responsible for allergic reactions.
Want to get all the allergy-fighting benefits of Brussels sprouts without the bad taste you remember as a kid? Check out these 5 Ways to Get Anyone to Love Brussels Sprouts! Then, try out these Brussels Sprouts Stir Fry, pictured above. You can also make these Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Apples and Chestnuts, this Butternut Squash, Brussels Sprouts, and Apple Stuffing, and these Balsamic Brussels Sprouts With Shiitake Bacon. They’re perfect for your holiday table!
3. Cranberries
These tart berries aren’t only for festivities, they’re great for winter allergy season. They contain antioxidants called quercetin, which inhibit the release of histamine and decrease the pro-inflammatory effect of cytokines antibodies. Plant extract of quercetin is actually being looked at as an ingredient for many potential anti-allergic drugs. The question is, why not take advantage of cranberries which are naturally packed with them?
Make this Festive Cranberry Sauce, pictured above, this Wild Rice Pilaf with Butternut Squash, Cranberries, and Pecans, or this Orange Infused Cranberry Sauce. You also have to check out Go Beyond the Sauce! 10 Amazing Recipes With Cranberries for more delicious ideas.
4. Sea Vegetables
We all know that eating omega-3 rich food like sea vegetables is important for our brain functions but it turns out that it may also help with allergy symptoms. Studies suggest that food containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may play a role in reducing inflammation related to asthma and allergic diseases. That’s because omega-3s fatty acids assist in the production of three mediators of inflammation in our airway, protectins, resolvins, and maresins.
Want to get more familiar with sea vegetables? Here’s All You Ever Wanted to Know About Sea Vegetables! Then, we suggest you give these Carrot and Soba Noodles With Sea Vegetables, pictured above, a try. You can also check out this Edamame Seaweed Salad, these Seaweed and Seitan ‘Mussels’ in a Zesty Marinade, and this Chinese Seaweed Salad.
5. Capers
If you’re unfamiliar with capers, they are a condiment packed with flavor, made from the flower buds of the caper bush. Aside from their ability to infuse simple dishes with flavor (you got to try this Orecchiette With Capers and White Wine, pictured above!), they are also a great ally for winter allergy sufferers.
Capers contain a high amount of quercetin, the antioxidant that is able to regulate the release of histamine and reduces the amount of inflammatory antibodies related to allergic reactions.
You can add these Crispy Smashed Potatoes With Caper Aioli, this Black Olive, Caper, and Radicchio Pie, this Caramelized Onion, Caper, and Mushroom Tart, and this Penne With Broccoli, Chili, and Capers to your weekly dinner meal rotation this winter and see if it helps with your allergies.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are a good source of omega-3s fatty acids which, as we’ve seen, are important players in our immune system regarding allergies. These fatty acids especially help alleviate allergy symptoms due to their regulatory role in lowering inflammation-causing antibodies in our airways.
Not sure how to include more nuts besides the obvious healthy snack? Walnuts go well in savory dishes like this Savory Walnut and Mushroom Bolognese, pictured above, this Walnut Taco Meat, this Fresh Herb Walnut Pâté, and this Walnut Lentil Loaf. You can also try these Walnut-Crusted Artichoke Hearts which are a great appetizer for any holiday celebration!
7. Garlic
Not only is garlic a marvelous flavor enhancer for most dishes but it’s also very allergy-friendly. It contains a range of compounds called gallic acids which play a role in modulating inflammatory responses in our immune system. Thus, eating garlic regularly can help lessen allergy symptoms because of its effect at the root of the immune response to antigens. That’s great news if you suffer from allergies and love garlic as much as we do!
Get all the benefits and deliciousness of garlic with this Garlic and Herb Cream Cheese, pictured above, or try out this Roasted Garlic Tomato Spaghettini With Garlic ‘Parmesan’ Bread Crumbs, this Garlic and Thyme Pan Seared Mushrooms, and these classic Quick Rise Garlic Breads.
Learn How to Cook Plant-Based Meals at Home
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help with chronic inflammation, heart health, mental well-being, fitness goals, nutritional needs, allergies, gut health, and more! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, and prostate cancer, and has many side effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based we highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App — with over 20,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals, and get healthy! While you are at it, we encourage you to learn about the environmental and health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
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